Internal Audit Analyst
- Kategori: Akunting - Keuangan
- Lokasi: Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta
- Jenis Pekerjaan: Full-time
- Gaji: Rp. Nego
- Nama Perusahaan: PT Autopedia Sukses Lestari Tbk.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
• Conduct initial analysis of the Auditee (the audited party).
• Determine the focus of audit activities to be carried out on the Auditee.
• Determine the method of audit activities.
• Prepare an audit checklist that will be used in audit activities.
• Determine the sample to be examined.
• Prepare administrative, workpaper completeness such as Audit Assignment Letter and Official Travel Letter.
• Have at least 2-3 years experience as Auditor
• Experience in similar industries (leasing / vehicle auction / buying and selling vehicles)
• Bachelor Degree in any Major (Prefer in Accounting, Finance, and Engineering)
• Computer literate, good communication and interpersonal skills.
• Excellent analytical thinking

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