Akunting - Keuangan Jawa Barat Penyaringan Telusur 121 - 128 dari 218 Lowongan
Value Added Tax Monthly Report to tax office by ESPT from E-Faktur Tax system Prepare data calculation and payment VAT for monthly report to tax office Reconcile VAT data from SPT with General Ledger / Balance Sheet Withholding Tax Monthly and Yearly...
1. Menjalankan proses pembayaran dengan custumer 2. Bertanggung jawab dengan Petty Cash operasional
Melakukan pengaturan keuangan perusahaan Melakukan penginputan semua transaksi keuangan ke dalam program Melakukan transaksi keuangan perusahaan Melakukan pembayaran kepada suplier Berhubungan dengan pihak internal maupun eksternal terkait dengan akt...
Accounting Executive (for Logistic)
PT Kao Indonesia is a multinational consumer goods company with numerous leading brands. With it's vision of "to be closest to the consumers/ customers" the company strives to fulfill and satisfy consumer needs. In recent business the company has imp...
Tax Specialist
Complete the calculation of all taxes. Pay and report the tax accordingly. Verify the tax invocie, both issued and received. Complete the monthly reconcile with accounting book.
Accounting & Finance
Daily all kinds of book keeping. Monthly closing, Monthly financial statements and submit the approved financial data to shareholders as requested. Set up accounting system, complete the monthly reconciliation for all accounts. Documentation manageme...
Factory Accounting & Cost Control Executive
-Menyiapkan data untuk pembuatan budget dan laporan bulanan. -Memberikan data dan mengontrol biaya-biaya. -Memproses invoice yang berkaitan dengan produk import. -Melakukan closing setiap akhir bulan. -Membuat budget tahunan.
Internal Audit Executive
-Melakukan audit internal dalam organisasi untuk meminimalisir segala risiko. -Memperbaiki performa dan produktivitas organisasi dalam hal finansial, operasional, dan proses serta sistem managerial. -Memastikan bahwa organisasi mematuhi semua peratur...