Bandung Penyaringan Telusur 233 - 240 dari 727 Lowongan
Production Planning & Inventory Control
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old GPA >= 2.75 from educational institutio...
HSE Facility Inspector - Shopee XpressShopee -
Daily Facility inspection include 5S implementation Facility Assessment Safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems Maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace Safe use, handling and storage of dangerous su...
Content Creator
- Work remotely from home - Create & edit daily contents for Youtube Channel related to phone apps tutorial - Stay up to date with latest trends in phone apps
Sales & Marketing Executive
• Minimal lulusan SMA / sederajat • Usia maksimal 40 tahun • WAJIB memiliki pengalaman di bidang Sales & Marketing minimal 2 (dua) tahun • Lebih disukai apabila menguasai dunia otomotif (sales / CMO) dan/atau FMCG (sales) • Terbiasa bekerja denga...
Copywriter Intern
Arrange and develop content of Agate’s B2B and B2C marketing initiative, as well as marketing initiative in branding/corporate level. Collaborate with every aspect within Marketing department to develop suitable copywriting as needed. Actively conduc...
ReactJS Programmer
Develop web application using React JS and Firebase Platform Create or modify visual UI components Design and implement Firebase feature to fulfill application needs Write robust code to be used by millions of users Work as part of a team, but with p...
Technical Animator
Serve the needs of animators by ensuring they have the tools they need to do their jobs. Spot potential animation problems, research new technologies, and find solutions. Support and improve the integration of animation assets into game engines (this...
Melakukan analisa dan membuat activity plan dalam rangka pencapaian target Melakukan aktivitas marketing sesuai dengan rencana kerja Bertanggung jawab terhadap semua kegiatan team Marketing Mendapatkan Customer baru Memonitor, menganalisa & membu...
Designer textile
= Pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun di bidang Designer ~ Menjaga up to date desain dengan tren fashion yang muncul yang berkaitan dengan kain, warna dan bentuk. = Memiliki passion dalam desain dan berpikiran kreatif = Mahir dalam menggunakan beberapa ...
= Melakukan proses perencanaan produksi = Mengawasi pencapaian produksi = Melaporkan performance pencapaian produksi, stock dan Pengiriman — Mengontrol proses penyediaan bahan baku = Melaksanakan penataan dan pengecekan barang secara berkala ~ Membua...
HSE Facility Inspector - Shopee XpressShopee -
Daily Facility inspection include 5S implementation Facility Assessment Safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems Maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace Safe use, handling and storage of dangerous su...
1. Memiliki pengetahuan dan keahlian dalam pembuatan API 2. Memiliki pengetahuan, keahlian dan pengalaman dalam memprogram menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java SpringBoot/Golang 3. Menguasai database mysql, postgre, sql lite, dan no sql. 4. Mempunyai ...