Bandung Penyaringan Telusur 289 - 296 dari 727 Lowongan
Graphic Design
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Visual Communication Design Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old GPA >= 2.75 from educational insti...
1. Plan the project 2. Define the scope of the project in collaboration with senior management 3. Create a detailed work plan which identifies and sequences the activities needed to successfully complete the project 4. Determine the resources (time, ...
Dengan bergabung menjadi AIA Bancassurance Consultant (BC) berarti Anda akan memperoleh pengalaman bekerja di bidang asuransi sekaligus di bidang perbankan. Selain itu, AIA bermitra dengan institusi-institusi perbankan terbesar dan terdepan di Indone...
Innovation Engineering
Candidate must possess for Diploma's Degree and Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering or equivalent, . Have 1 years of experience, age max. 30 year...
Legal & Audit Staff
Candidate must possess for Diploma's Degree and Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Engineering. Have minimum 1 year of experience, age max. 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, age max. 25 years old GPA >= 2.75 from reputable univers...
Technical Sales Representative
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Animal Husbandry or Master's Degree/Post Graduate Degree in Veterinary or equivalent. Have 1-3 Years of working experience, age max. 30 years old. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, age max. 25 ...
System Engineer
Ensure the uptime, performance and security of the servers collaboratively with our Amazon Adventurer Analyse and isolate issues; make recommendations for future upgrades, also maintain backup including system backup, application backup, etc. Maintai...
Administrator Executive
Administering development management routines, reporting and taking necessary actions upon deviations. Develop internal tools to automate manual administration tasks in our development management process.
Pria / Wanita, usia max. 35 tahun Memiliki kendaraan roda 2 & SIM C Bertanggungjawab, rajin, jujur & ulet Pengalaman min. 1 tahun Pendidikan SMU Siap kerja dengan target Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan Diutamakan yang berpengalaman sebagai sales...
Admin Staff
- Bisa bekerja Full Time (Bandung-Setrasari) - Khusus untuk wanita - Sudah berpengalaman menjadi admin online shop - Menguasai aplikasi sosial media - Pendidikan Minimal SMA / S1 - Proaktif dan inisiatif - Mampu berkomunikasi dengan Baik - Mengerti d...
1. Memiliki pengetahuan dan keahlian dalam pembuatan API 2. Memiliki pengetahuan, keahlian dan pengalaman dalam memprogram menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java SpringBoot/Golang 3. Menguasai database mysql, postgre, sql lite, dan no sql. 4. Mempunyai ...
Marketing & Promotion
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering, Management Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduate are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old Any GPA ≥ 2,75 from educational...