Bandung Penyaringan Telusur 449 - 456 dari 727 Lowongan
Production Planning & Inventory Control
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old GPA >= 2.75 from educational institutio...
HSE Facility Inspector - Shopee XpressShopee -
Daily Facility inspection include 5S implementation Facility Assessment Safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems Maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace Safe use, handling and storage of dangerous su...
Front-End Developer
Modify templates for CMS or web development framework beautifully Construct visual graphic designs based on HTML, CSS, and live interaction with Javascript Seeing the web as dynamically functional, meanwhile maintaining the aspects of design Develop ...
Team Lead Developer
Provide the team members with a vision of project objectives as described by the Project Manager Ensure that the deliverables satisfy the specified project requirements and deadlines Determine project’s weekly targets rationally and be accountable of...
IT Support
PT. BLOSSOM MANDIRI SEJATI saat ini sedang membutuhkan: IT Support
Project Manager (PM)
Requirements Lulusan S1 (Teknik Industri, Elektro, Sipil) IPK Minimal 3.00 Diutamakan Memiliki Pengalaman Kerja Sebagai Project Manager Min. 2 Tahun di Bidang Konstruksi PLTS/UMUM Mempunyai Kemampuan Komunikasi & Koordinasi yang baik dan Memiliki...
Source Engineer
1. Melakukan pencarian, pemilihan / seleksi sesuai kebutuhan dan kriteria yang ditetapkan perusahaan. 2. Memantau harga kebutuhan berdasarkan informasi dari supplier. 3. Bekerjasama dengan departemen terkait untuk memastikan kelancaran operasional pe...
Estimator Mechanical Engineer
- IPK Minimal 3.00 - Lulusan S1 Teknik Mesin - Menguasai software simulasi mekanikal, mengetahui bidang mekanikal elektrikal - Tertarik untuk bekerja di bidang energi baru dan terbarukan - Bersedia untuk ditugaskan ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia (Perja...
Sales Engineer (SE)
Lulusan S1 (Teknik Elektro, Fisika, Mesin) IPK Minimal 3.00 Berpengalaman Mampu Bekerja Dibawah Tekanan Memiliki Keinginan untuk Kerja di Bidang Renewable Energy Bersedia Ditugaskan di Seluruh Indonesia
Personil GudangPT Sarana Pancakarya Nusa
Membantu menyiapkan barang sesuai kebutuhan pesanan dan tembusan DP2B Menerima dan memeriksa fisik buku/barang yang akan dikirim Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan, Jujur, teliti, loyal dan cekatan Mampu mengendarai Forklift Laki-laki diutamakan Mau beker...
Graphic Design
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Visual Communication Design Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old GPA >= 2.75 from educational insti...
HSE Facility Inspector - Shopee XpressShopee -
Daily Facility inspection include 5S implementation Facility Assessment Safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems Maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace Safe use, handling and storage of dangerous su...