Penyaringan Telusur 449 - 456 dari 729 Lowongan
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
General Driver
Mengirim stok ke TKU (Tempat Kegiatan Usaha) Menghitung kebutuhan dan kapasitas stok Mengendarai mobil dengan baik Merawat kendaraan operasional Melakukan FIFO stock di mobil dan cabang Memastikan stock di cabang terpenuhi
Menciptakan produk multimedia dalam kemitraan dengan analisis bisnis, arsitek teknis dan pemograman perangkat lunak (software) Membuat gambar digital untuk tujuan animasi Mentransfer file audio / video untuk di edit dan dimanipulasi secara digital
Menangani komplain dari high value customer (E-Commerce and Corporate) Menjawab dan mengeskalasi email dari customer (high value) dan internal Membalas dan menerima status terupdate dari customer via email ataupun Customer Support Software
Responsible for monitoring cost business including HR, GA, and operational of brances Responsible for analyze data for budget and manpower fluctuation
Mengoordinir, menganalisis, dan menjembatani kebutuhan pengelolaan proses penggajian (payroll) sesuai regulasi pemerintah & perusahaan, baik yang berbentuk gaji, kompensasi fasilitas kesejahteraan, maupun kewajiban perusahaan seperti jaminan kese...
Building Maintenance & Construction
Candidate must possess at least D3/S1 in Civil Engineering At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Have 1-3 years of experience, age max. 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, age max....
Production Supervisor
Candidate must possess at least S1 in Chemical Engineering, Biology At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Have 1-3 years of experience, age max. 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply,...
Finance & Accounting
Candidate must possess at least S1 in Accounting At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Have 1-3 years of experience, age max. 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, age max. 25 years ...
Human Resource
Candidate must possess at least S1 in Industrial Engineering, Psychology, Management At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Have 1-3 years of experience, age max. 30 years old Fresh graduates are ...
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
Sales Driver
Usia 19 - 27 tahun Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK Sederajat (semua jurusan) Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik Memiliki kemampuan berhitung dan logika yang baik Memiliki sikap dan penampilan yang rapi Bisa bekerja di bawah tekanan dan ...