Customer Service Penyaringan Telusur 25 - 32 dari 258 Lowongan
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
Customer Service
Melayani pelanggan maupun calon pelanggan meliputi memberikan informasi, menangani keluhan, serta menjadi penghubung antara pelanggan maupun calon pelanggan dengan perusahaan.
Customer Service Agent
Menjawab pertanyaan konsumen dan calon konsumen. Memberikan solusi non teknis terhadap pertanyaan konsumen dan calon konsumen Melakukan tindak lanjut (followup) kepada konsumen dan calon konsumen Membantu dalam eskalasi permasalahan konsumen. Melakuk...
1.Pendidikan Minimal SMU sederajat 2.Pengalaman Sebagai Customer Service 3.Penampilan Rapi 4.Komunikasi Baik 5.Jujur dalam Bekerja
Menerima Telepon dari Nasabah Memberikan Informasi dan solusi yang dibutuhkan Nasabah Memberikan solusi atas permasalahan nasabah
Customer Care
Receiving incoming calls from customers Creating a complaint ticket clearly and coordination among internal divisions Checking the customer complaints with the available tools Working with both individuals and team Customer oriented
Customer Service
Wanita/pria usia maks. 25 tahun Pendidikan minimal SMA/S1 Mengerti penggunaan Sosial Media (whatsapp, IG, FB, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube dan lain-lain) Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan microsoft office Komunikatif efektif dan berpenampilan menarik Ber...
CS (Customer Service)
Membalas chat customer (Closing) Menanggapi keluhan customer Menerima komplain dengan baik
Membina dan memelihara hubungan baik dengan pelanggan dan calon pelanggan sebagai bagian dari pengelolaan kepuasan pelanggan melalui kegiatan seperti retensi & tindaklanjut panggilan, penanganan keluhan serta mencatat dan memperbaharui database p...
Customer Service
Interactive learning in our Customer Success Academy with extra guidance and mentors; Answering incoming conversations via live chat; Helping the Customer to improve their website by assessing their needs; Adjusting the product of Hostinger and activ...
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
Customer Service Premium Team LeadShopee -
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...