Call Center Ecommerce
- Kategori: Customer Service
- Lokasi: Sleman, Yogyakarta
- Jenis Pekerjaan: Full-time
- Gaji: Rp. Nego
- Nama Perusahaan: PT. Vads Indonesia
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Laki-laki/perempuan maks. 27 tahun
Pendidikan D3, S1 dengan IPK minimal 2,75
Bersedia bekerja dengan shifting 24 jam
Semua jurusan dan fresh graduate
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Benefit :
Gaji diatas UMR
BPJS Kesehatan
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
Jejang karir
Tunjangan Shifting
Tunjangan Hari Raya
millenial dresscode
Lowongan Kerja Lainnya
Customer Service
Interactive learning in our Customer Success Academy with extra guidance and mentors; Answering incoming conversations via live chat; Helping the Customer to improve their website by assessing their needs; Adjusting the product of Hostinger and activ...
Customer Success Agent Team
Customer Success Agent is responsible for developing customer relationships that promote retention and loyalty. Their job is to work closely with customers to ensure they are satisfied with the services they receive and to improve upon areas of dissa...
Call Center
Receive incoming call from customer (Menerima panggilan telepon dari pelanggan) Handling complaint customer (Mengatasi keluhan pelanggan) Make a report (Membuat laporan) Compensation & Benefit Basic salary OT & PH Shift Allowance Perform Allo...