Customer Service Jakarta Pusat Penyaringan Telusur 1 - 8 dari 20 Lowongan
Call Centre
Wanita, maksimal 25 tahun Pendidikan minimal SMA / Sederajat Berpenampilan menarik Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Customer Service
Acts as the first line of service for the customers, having the ability to serve them and to coordinate any commercial, technical or operational issues. Monitoring all project to ensure it runs smoothly involves a series of steps and best practices. ...
Deliver group-sales target Conduct in-bound and out-bound calls Manage, map and update customer database Produce leads, follow up and visit customers
Customer Service
Wanita/pria usia maks. 25 tahun Pendidikan minimal SMA/S1 Mengerti penggunaan Sosial Media (whatsapp, IG, FB, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube dan lain-lain) Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan microsoft office Komunikatif efektif dan berpenampilan menarik Ber...
QC Livechat
- Maintain and develop internal support and Livechat quality standards. - Review a subset of support agents’ conversations (chat). - Assess support interactions based on internal standards. - Analyze all customer service metrics (e.g. CSAT, FRT, IQS)...
Quality Control Staff
Monitoring Customer Service and ensure they are doing well with the SOP Conducting tests at different stages of handling complaint, from the first holding case until finishing the case Reporting any defects or problems to senior staff
Customer Service (TPA / ASO)
Mengelola panggilan dan pesan masuk dan keluar (email,teks,dll) tepat waktu Mengikuti teks komunikasi ketika menangani topik yang berbeda Menciptakan, membangun, menjaga tingkat kepuasan dan pengalaman pelanggan yang sangat baik Menanggapi dan menind...
Customer Service
Lulusan SMA / SMK (nilai rata-rata rapor semester 5,6 min. 70) Lulusan D1 - D3 dan S1 (IPK min. 2,50) Usia 17 s/d 24 tahun Sehat jasmani dan rohani Ramah dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik Tidak pernah terlibat Narkoba dan pelanggaran hukum lainnya ...