Customer Service Jawa Tengah Penyaringan Telusur 1 - 8 dari 27 Lowongan
Customer Service Premium Team LeadShopee -
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
Customer Care
Pria/wanita usia maks. 28 tahun Min. D3 semua jurusan min IPK 2,75 Bersedia shifting Bisa berbahasa Inggris Pengalaman min. 1 tahun di bidang yang sama/ freshgraduate
Customer Service Premium
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
Customer Service Premium Team Lead
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...
Membina dan memelihara hubungan baik dengan pelanggan dan calon pelanggan sebagai bagian dari pengelolaan kepuasan pelanggan melalui kegiatan seperti retensi & tindaklanjut panggilan, penanganan keluhan serta mencatat dan memperbaharui database p...
Customer Service
Melayani pertanyaan, saran serta keluhan mitra, dan juga memberikan saran dan solusi yang sesuai untuk menyelesaikan persoalan yang dialami oleh mitra.
Bobomanja membutuhkan team untuk maju dan berkembang. Dengan gaji1,6 JUTA / Bulan + tunjangan kesehatan. Kami membutuhkan : CUSTOMER SERVICE
Front Officer / Customer Service
Wanita Usia maksimal 28 tahun Pendidikan Minimal D3 Perhotelan/Pariwisata Berpenampilan menarik, memiliki kepribadian dan komunikasi yang baik Bersedia mengikuti jam kerja shift Mampu bekerja dalam tim/individu dan di bawah tekanan Memiliki pengalama...
Wanita (usia maks. 30 tahun) belum menikah Pendidikan min. SMA/SMK sederajat Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan marketing Berpenampilan menarik (good looking) Menguasai Microsoft Office (word, excel, power point) Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM C y...
Customer Service Premium Team LeadShopee -
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...