Customer Service Jawa Tengah Penyaringan Telusur 9 - 16 dari 27 Lowongan
Customer Service Premium Team LeadShopee -
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
Bertanggung jawab merespon seluruh pertanyaan pelanggan, komplain, penjualan dan pembayaran dalam batas waktu yang telah ditentukan secara akurat, sopan dan tetap mengedepankan sikap profesional serta mampu menjadi ”One stop Problem Resolution” bagi ...
Merencanakan, mengelola dan mengawasi semua anggota tim operasi melalui penyusuan, pemantauan, pengarahan, pembinaan, dll Bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan layanan kepada semua pelanggan yang berinteraksi dan menangani permintaan pelanggan Mengelola...
Frontliner & Account Officer
Kospin JASA merupakan koperasi terbesar dan Teladan di Indonesia. Kospin JASA bergerak dibidang simpan pinjam dan memiliki kantor layanan terbesar wilayah Indonesia. Kospin JASA terus berkembang sehingga membuka kesempatan berkarir yang cukup luas
Identify, prioritize, assess, monitor, control and report compliance risks. Investigation, repair and reporting of violations of legal and regulatory requirements Connect with regulators in relation to regulatory issues Develop and implement a Compli...
Saat ini kami membuka lowongan kerja untuk mengisi posisi sebagai CUSTOMER CARE
Mahir Sosmed (BBM, WA, Line, Email) Punya Laptop Sendiri (Bukan Notebook) Bisa Ketik Dengan Sepuluh Jari Lebih Di Utamakan Terbiasa Telepon Dengan Bahasa Indonesia Dengan Baik Dan Benar Penampilan Menarik ( Silahkan Di Deskripsikan Sendiri ) Menyukai...
Minimum 1 year experience Minimum Education D3 Target oriented 22-30 male or female Attractive looking Pleasant and confident personality Work hour using shift
Untuk saat ini kami membutuhkan staff untuk posisi : CUSTOMER SERVICE
Customer Service Premium Team LeadShopee -
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...