Design Penyaringan Telusur 185 - 192 dari 485 Lowongan
Graphic Design
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Visual Communication Design Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old GPA >= 2.75 from educational insti...
Graphic Designer
Produce modern yet effective and communicative visual assets Work with the strategic planner and copywriter to develop creative ideas and identities for new campaigns on various media Develop online and offline visual communication content such as so...
Graphic Design Staff
Candidate must possess at least S1 in Visual Communication Design Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduate are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old Any GPA ≥ 2,75 from educational institution with mini...
Designing UI elements/tools and producing high quality UX design solutions Collaborating with other teams on the implementation of UI/UX
Editor - Photographer - Videographer
Pria/wanita max 28 tahun Memiliki skill photography dan videography Menguasai software editing video dan foto Bekerja fulltime Bersedia ditempatkan di luar kota
Takes conceptual direction and develops art work, and layout solutions to meet creative objectives. Assists with everyday projects, including digital ads, landing page designs, brochures, site graphics, social media graphics, brand assets, and countl...
VideographerRumah Mesin
- Produksi video berdurasi pendek dan panjang - Publikasi video ke platform video - Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 25 th - Pendidikan SMK/D3/S1 - Bekerja dalam tim dan mempunyai skil komunikasi yang baik - Menguasai teknik rekam dan editing video - Wawasa...
Membuat Design dan Draft Membuat BOQ, Estimasi dan RAB
Usia maks. 25 tahun D3/S1 DKV diutamakan Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun Menguasai aplikasi desain Terbiasa membuat infografis Bisa web- design menjadi nilai tambah Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan bekerja sama dalam tim Mengikuti tren design terkini
Membuat desain dengan memasukan unsur seni, visual dan bahasa Bekerja dengan berbagai departemen untuk membangun dan mengevaluasi konsep desain produk Selalu mengembangkan ide-ide kreatif dan memiliki inovasi baru dalam menciptakan karya desain yang ...
Graphic Designer
Produce modern yet effective and communicative visual assets Work with the strategic planner and copywriter to develop creative ideas and identities for new campaigns on various media Develop online and offline visual communication content such as so...
Graphic Design
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Visual Communication Design Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old GPA >= 2.75 from educational insti...