Design Jakarta Barat Penyaringan Telusur 17 - 24 dari 56 Lowongan
Graphic Designer
Laki – laki / Perempuan Usia Maksimal 35 tahun Pendidikan Minimal SMU Minimal 1 – 2 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait untuk posisi ini Memiliki keahlian dalam mengoperasikan Adobe Creative Suite (Adobe photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indes...
Videographer and Video Editor
Make a video of the used product. Make a product review video. Making videos for marketing needs. Editing videos, giving a good color, putting together pieces of the video so that it can be used by the creative team or ready for distribution Add moti...
Senior Graphic Designer
Laki-laki/perempuan Pendidikan min. SMA Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang PERCETAKAN minimal 3 tahun Memiliki keahlian dalam mengoperasikan CorelDraw dan Adobe Photoshop (diutamakan) Kemampuan khusus: Adobe Creative Suite (Adobe Ilustrasi, Adobe In...
Design and implement Mobile / Web applications Build the reusable components for supporting complex mobile applications
Mampu mengoperasikan Adobe photoshop, Adobe Illustrator Memiliki passion dalam bidang design grafis Menyelesaikan pekerjaan sesuai deadline Membuat design sesuai gudline dan konsep.
The Graphic Designer is responsible for creating graphics for marketing collaterals, website + mobile platforms and display ads. The position requires the ability to work under tight deadlines and see projects through from concept to completion.
Graphic Designer
– Bisa Adobe lllustrator, Photoshop, etc. – Mempunyai ide untuk membuat content yang menarik – Mengerti visualisasi gambar -Dapat membuat mock up gambar ke dalam bentuk product.
Bachelors of Fine Arts majoring in graphic design / visual communication. Min. 3 years experience in design field. Solid portfolio of illustrations and other graphics. Extensive knowledge of: Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / any digital painting apps ...