Design Jawa Barat Penyaringan Telusur 25 - 32 dari 114 Lowongan
Graphic Design
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Visual Communication Design Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old GPA >= 2.75 from educational insti...
Multimedia Designer
- Pendidikan Minimal S1 - Memiliki pengalaman dibidang multimedia - Menguasai skill daalam bidang video edditing dan motiongraphic - Menguasai Software Multimedia dengan baik (adobe effects, premier pro dll) - mengerti dan memahami perkembangan trend...
Staf Design
- Laki-laki/Perempuan - Usia max.28 Tahun - Pendidikan Minimal Diploma/S1 Design Komunikasi Visual/Seni Rupa - Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Designer. - Mahir menggunakan aplikasi Corel Draw (Wajib) - Bisa menggambar Manual - Lincah, Cekatan, Ce...
Junior Interior Designer
Pria/Wanita, Min. 21 Tahun Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya gelar sarjana di bidang Desain Interior atau Arsitek Setidaknya memiliki Min. 2 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang yang sesuai Kemampuan yang harus dimiliki: CAD, VRAY, Sketchup, 3Ds Max, Ensca...
Motion Graphics Producer
Conduct and execute multimedia tasks that range from: B2C digital marketing collaterals B2B digital marketing collaterals Branded social content Brand-based initiatives Exploration of motion graphic media formats and provide best practice examples St...
Graphic Designer
Conduct and execute graphic design tasks that range from: B2C digital marketing collaterals Branded social content Brand-based initiatives Exploration of graphic media formats and provide best practice examples Steer graphic design projects through i...
Design Graphic Staff
1. Menciptakan design, logo untuk produk 2. Membuat design grafis untuk kebutuhan branding perusahaan dan kebutuhan marketing perusahaan 3. Mengatur dan mengawasi pelaksanaan setiap tahapan proses design 5. Membuat dan mengembangkan creative visual s...
Technical Animator
Serve the needs of animators by ensuring they have the tools they need to do their jobs. Spot potential animation problems, research new technologies, and find solutions. Support and improve the integration of animation assets into game engines (this...
Media Production
Work with teams to pre-visualize and storyboard ideas Create compelling, professional video and/ or photo that communicates Tiara Hana’s value to all potential internal and external audiences Postproduction editing, including transferring, sorting, a...
Graphic Design
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Visual Communication Design Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, maximum 24 years old GPA >= 2.75 from educational insti...