Jakarta Pusat Penyaringan Telusur 465 - 472 dari 602 Lowongan
Graphic Designer
Interpreting needs and developing creative brief by gathering information and data through research Working on designs to produce an effective advertising/branding campaign Exploring comprehensive conceptual design (symbol, typography, color, and gra...
Arrange the Product Assortment Looking for suitable supplier with Product Assortment that has been determined Dealing with Supplier Purchasing order to Supplier Keep the good relation with supplier Coordinate inbound and outbound with the SCM team Re...
HR Intern
Updating HR internal databases with new employee information Gathering payroll data like working hours, leaves and bank accounts Screening resumes and application forms Post, update and remove job ads from job boards, careers pages and social network...
HRIS Developer
Implement, improve and maintain existing HRIS systems and KAG websites, and resolving problems that occur in the system to ensure that the system runs smoothly and supports the company’s operational activities
Kami Perusahaan baru yang terus berkembang dan memiliki misi besar, membutuhkan team baru yang energic, full power, bisa bekerjasama, jujur dan mau belajar bersama.Bidang kami adalah distribusi CCTV dan Telekomunikasi merk terkemuka di seluruh Indone...
Mencari Projek, mencari customer baru, presentasi atau bertemu langsung dengan customer, menawarkan barang, follow up, menjaga hubungan baik dengan customer dan dealer
Memperbaiki produk – Setting program di lapangan (Support Partner / Customer)- Explore product Feature – Trainer untuk internal ataupun External .
Usia maksimal 25 tahun Minimal lulusan SMA/ SMK Jurusan IPA/ Teknik Elektro/ Teknik Elektronika/ Teknik Mesin Industri Mampu mengoperasikan Ms Office Memahami teori dasar kelistrikan Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem shift Memiliki sertifikat dibidang k...