Jakarta Penyaringan Telusur 121 - 128 dari 800 Lowongan
Operation Excellence Lead - Shopee XpressShopee -
Develop Operation Excellence strategy and implementation plan inline with company's objectives Drives Continuous Improvement initiatives implementation which leads to SLA improvements, quality improvements, productivity gain and cost reduction Accoun...
Graphic Designer
Produce modern yet effective and communicative visual assets Work with the strategic planner and copywriter to develop creative ideas and identities for new campaigns on various media Develop online and offline visual communication content such as so...
Digital Marketing
Pria/wanita min D1/D3/S1 Marketing/ Informaitika/ DKV Periklanan Berpengalaman min. 3 tahun Menguasai SEO, Google Ads, IG Ads, FB Ads, E-Commerce Membuat/merancangkan budget dan iklan , marketing campaign, strategi promosi Mampu mengolah website, sos...
Marketing Communication
Define and execute marketing and communication activities according to the marketing campaign Create a marketing campaign idea Strengthen relationships with clients Supporting several activities in Digital Marketing Be responsible for achieving sales...
Accounting Staff
Usia maksimal 35 tahun Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya Gelar Sarjana di Keuangan/Akuntansi/Perbankan atau setara. Setidaknya memiliki 2 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang yang sesuai untuk posisi ini Menguasai dasar-dasar akuntansi dan mampu menyusun l...
Cashier - Finance
Bertanggung jawab dalam mengelola dana petty cash Bertanggung jawab dalam mengatur pembayaran current account PT. ISM & PT. ICBP Memeriksa CDV PT. ISM & PT. ICBP Melakukan pembayaran atas tagihan yang sudah jatuh tempo Menyiapkan cek dan giro...
Marketing Research Executive
Lead Project (arrange proposal, manage project, and reporting) Manage Project budget & schedule.
Accounting Reporting and Lease Asset
Accounting Reporting and Lease Asset support the Accounting division in achieving the reporting timeline with qualified standard, included the recognition and reporting of lease asset in the financial statements
VAT Specialist
VAT particularly those related to Efaktur upload, Efiling etax; Master Data Trade and Non Trade
Responsible for the strategic and effective management of the sourcing, screening, interviewing, and hiring for all positions in the company.
Data Center Operator, Digital & Technology, SeaBankShopee -
Operate Core Banking devices in the Data Center. Carry out end-of-day, month, and year processes for journalizing bank transactions. Operate Core Banking supporting devices in the Data Center. Safeguard every activity by performing scheduled and meas...
Menuliskan dan menyusun notulen rapat sesuai prosedur Menerjemahkan secara lisan dan tulisan dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Jepang dan sebaliknya sesuai kebutuhan Melakukan penyaringan terhadap telepon, surat menyurat dan dokumen yang ditujukan kepa...