Jakarta Penyaringan Telusur 545 - 552 dari 800 Lowongan
Operation Excellence Lead - Shopee XpressShopee -
Develop Operation Excellence strategy and implementation plan inline with company's objectives Drives Continuous Improvement initiatives implementation which leads to SLA improvements, quality improvements, productivity gain and cost reduction Accoun...
Data Center Operator, Digital & Technology, SeaBankShopee -
Operate Core Banking devices in the Data Center. Carry out end-of-day, month, and year processes for journalizing bank transactions. Operate Core Banking supporting devices in the Data Center. Safeguard every activity by performing scheduled and meas...
General Affair Administration
To be able to support office and warehouse support administration and operation To be able to maintain office and warehouse facility and assets control Carrying out clerical duties such as responding to emails and preparing documents, including corre...
Finance and Accounting, Tax Administration
Support finance and accounting decision-making information by collecting and report financial data Monitor all financial data and prepare accurate statements for company Gather and monitor financial data Prepare balance sheets and financial statement...
Supply Planner Officer
Effectively analyze commercial plans and inventory data to support building the appropriate supply plan across multiple product categories and channels Prepare strategic creation and execution for future fulfillment plans / supply network strategy am...
Content Moderator
Reviewing online videos/contents/ complaints received from the end customer on any incorrect decisions taken related to their copyright work/materials Reviewing/updating contents on a popular social media platform Auditing of content received and sha...
Marketing Label
Memasarkan dan mengenalkan produk ke customer baru Menjalin Relasi yang baik dengan customer Dapat mencari pelanggan baru Mampu bekerja target Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik Jujur, ulet, dan bertanggung jawab
Finance Accounting Tax Staff
Merekap laporan unit (operational report). Membuat jurnal penjualan (Accrual & Reversal), Jurnal Invoice, Jurnal Cash Sales. Jurnal credit note (adjustment/koreksi tagihan). Penagihan klien/penerimaan pembayaran dari klien. Jurnal data penerimaan...
Bachelor Degree (S1) in Engineering major from reputable university, fresh graduates ITB are welcomed to apply Able to lead team, and perform various tasks to support production activities Willing to have long term career track in one company
Staf Finance Control & Accounting
Memeriksa & mengevaluasi pengajuan Dana setiap Departemen dari sisi kelengkapan, keakuratan, dan kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan yang berlaku; Mengawasi dan memastikan penggunaan dana sudah sesuai dengan yang dianggarkan; Melakukan persiapan laporan...
Menuliskan dan menyusun notulen rapat sesuai prosedur Menerjemahkan secara lisan dan tulisan dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Jepang dan sebaliknya sesuai kebutuhan Melakukan penyaringan terhadap telepon, surat menyurat dan dokumen yang ditujukan kepa...
General Driver
Mengirim stok ke TKU (Tempat Kegiatan Usaha) Menghitung kebutuhan dan kapasitas stok Mengendarai mobil dengan baik Merawat kendaraan operasional Melakukan FIFO stock di mobil dan cabang Memastikan stock di cabang terpenuhi