Jakarta Selatan Penyaringan Telusur 313 - 320 dari 800 Lowongan
Tax Staff
Menerapkan peraturan perpajakan terutama PPh dan PPN Mengecek dokumen / data dengan hasil akhir SPT ( PPh dan PPN )
Graphic Designer
Produce modern yet effective and communicative visual assets Work with the strategic planner and copywriter to develop creative ideas and identities for new campaigns on various media Develop online and offline visual communication content such as so...
HRIS Specialist
Planning and control of all activities and the development of HRIS systems (Unit4 - Prosoft) Manage the development, business process and system design enhancement of HRIS system Keeping up to date information in HRIS and act as a contact point matte...
Melakukan pengontrolan terhadap spesifikasi barang/jasa yang dibutuhkan secara detail dengan informasi yang didapat dari departemen/bagian lain yang memintanya Penyusunan petunjuk teknis dan rencana umum pengadaan barang/jasa Pengendalian dan evaluas...
Sekretaris Direktur
Wanita, Usia maksimal 35 tahun Pendidikan terakhir D3 / S1 Sekretaris atau lainnya yang relevan. Pengalaman di profesi Sekretaris atau Personal Assistant Direktur minimal 2 tahun. Aktif, komunikatif, teliti, cermat. Bersedia kerja lembur Mengelola pe...
HR-GA Officer
1. Maksimal 35 Tahun 2. Pendidikan minimal D3 3. Pengalaman kerja sebagai HRGA minimal 2 tahun 4. Terbiasa dengan maintenance building 5. Terbiasa dengan mengurus regulasi HR ataupun GA ataupun mengurus ijin-ijin yang berkaitan dengan operasional per...
CRO ( Customer Relation Officer )
Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun D3 atau S1 Komunikasi /Public Relation /Sosial/ Management/ Statistika/ Adm. Bisnis Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman Customer Service atau pengalaman menangani keluhan pelanggan atau memberikan solusi untuk pelanggan a...
Digital Marketing/Content Creator
Membuat konten yang orisinal dan menarik kemudian dipublikasikan di berbagai media sosial Menulis, meninjau, mengedit, dan memperbarui konten untuk situs web perusahaan, blog, materi pemasaran, dan platform lain sebelum dipublikasikan Mempromosikan k...
Recruitment Staff
Fulfilment Man Power Request. Establishes recruiting requirements by studying organization plans and objectives. Builds applicant sources by researching and contacting community services, colleges, employment agencies, recruiters, media, and internet...
Compare and evaluate competitive suppliers/vendor Negotiate contract terms of agreement and pricing with supplier/vendor Evaluating the performance of existing supplier/vendor based on price, quality, selection, service, support Track order and ensur...
Analyze and assess the positive and negative impacts of IT developments and trends on corporate strategy as a basis for determination and preparation for establishing recommendations for the development of IT corporate Compile and plan IT strategies ...
Graphic Designer
Produce modern yet effective and communicative visual assets Work with the strategic planner and copywriter to develop creative ideas and identities for new campaigns on various media Develop online and offline visual communication content such as so...