Jawa Tengah Penyaringan Telusur 401 - 408 dari 674 Lowongan
Customer Service Premium Team LeadShopee -
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...
Sales Driver
Usia 19 - 27 tahun Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK Sederajat (semua jurusan) Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik Memiliki kemampuan berhitung dan logika yang baik Memiliki sikap dan penampilan yang rapi Bisa bekerja di bawah tekanan dan ...
Memahami Konsep Desain, Marketing, Seni Khususnya Desain Grafis Mempunyai Inisiatif, Kreatif & Inovasi Konsep Desain Yang Fresh Punya Laptop Sendiri Dengan Spek Yang Mumpuni Untuk Desain Kirim Portofolio Desain Yang Paling Keren & Menarik Mam...
Mahir Sosmed (BBM, WA, Line, Email) Punya Laptop Sendiri (Bukan Notebook) Bisa Ketik Dengan Sepuluh Jari Lebih Di Utamakan Terbiasa Telepon Dengan Bahasa Indonesia Dengan Baik Dan Benar Penampilan Menarik ( Silahkan Di Deskripsikan Sendiri ) Menyukai...
Muslim/Muslimah (bercadar dipersilahkan) Tidak Merokok Jujur, Amanah, Disiplin, Ramah, Interaktif Usia maksimal 25 tahun Min S1 TI Punya Laptop Sendiri (Bukan Notebook) Menguasai PHP Code Igniter Menguasai Mobile Aps berbasis Hybrid Di Utamakan Mengu...
Minimum 1 year experience Minimum Education D3 Target oriented 22-30 male or female Attractive looking Pleasant and confident personality Work hour using shift
Minimum 1 year experience Minimum Education D3 Target oriented 22-30 male or female Attractive looking Pleasant and confident personality Work hour using shift
Minimum 1 year experience Minimum Education D3 Target oriented 22-30 male or female Attractive looking Pleasant and confident personality Work hour using shift
Minimum 1 year experience Minimum Education D3 Target oriented 22-30 male or female Attractive looking Pleasant and confident personality Work hour using shift
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
Customer Service Premium Team LeadShopee -
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...