- Kategori: Sales - Marketing
- Lokasi: Jakarta Barat, Jakarta
- Jenis Pekerjaan: Full-time
- Gaji: Rp. Nego
- Nama Perusahaan: KAVANA INTERIORS
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Looking for new client and developing networks within interiors fields
Maintain a good and effective relationship with existing customers
Monitor and reporting to client throughout the project life time
Reporting to management in daily basis
Establishing relationship with potential customer
Presentation to potential clients and offer company products and solutions.
Fix monthly salary
Performance bonus
Works Allowances
Education minimum D3 or S1 any majors (Priority given to candidate holding Interiors field)
Have at least 2 years experience in the same position in interiors / construction / property related field
Have a good selling skill
Communicative, Proactive, Confident, Attractive and have leadership
Have extensive Networking / Relational capability to increase revenue
Age max 35 Years
Energetic, flexible, persuasive and able to communicate well
Have good analytical ability to analyze sales data
Willing to work or report to head officice in Kebon Jeruk - Jakarta Barat

Lowongan Kerja Lainnya
Melakukan pendekatan dan memasarkan jasa penyewaan kendaraan dengan/tanpa pengemudi baik kepada perusahaan ataupun perorangan Membina hubungan baik dengan existing customer Membuat laporan penjualan.
Supervisor Marketing
supporting peningkatan pendapatan (target sales tim). Memperluas market share (Dokter, Community, Corporate) Relationship segment Mengkoordinasi anggota tim Membuat laporan Departement Marketing secara periodik
Merchant Acquisition
Mampu maintain portfolio merchant yang berkualitas Melakukan deal atau kerjasama dengan merchant untuk menjalankan program diskon Memantau efektivitas penjualan merchant Menjalin hubungan profesional dan produktif dengan merchant Memahami dan menguas...