Digital Marketing Technologist (DMT)
- Kategori: Sales - Marketing
- Lokasi: Jakarta Barat, Jakarta
- Jenis Pekerjaan: Full-time
- Gaji: Rp. Nego
- Nama Perusahaan: PT Dekoruma Inovasi Lestari
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Work closely with the Technology team to build in-house marketing technology products
Responsible for marketing campaign initiatives that deliver sales and customer retention
Candidate can come from any quantitative fields (e.g. Computer Science/ Math/ Petroleum/ Geophysics/ Geology/ Mining/ Astronomy/ Electrical or Industrial Engineering/ Accounting/ Business Administration/ Architecture – basically fields where bazillion numbers & technology are involved)
Interested in design
Self motivated, fond of challenges and sincere willingness to get things done
Adept analytical and logical thinking are appreciated

Lowongan Kerja Lainnya
Melakukan pendekatan dan memasarkan jasa penyewaan kendaraan dengan/tanpa pengemudi baik kepada perusahaan ataupun perorangan Membina hubungan baik dengan existing customer Membuat laporan penjualan.
Supervisor Marketing
supporting peningkatan pendapatan (target sales tim). Memperluas market share (Dokter, Community, Corporate) Relationship segment Mengkoordinasi anggota tim Membuat laporan Departement Marketing secara periodik