Sales - Marketing Bekasi Penyaringan Telusur 1 - 8 dari 58 Lowongan
Melakukan promosi dan Penjualan Melakukan Kunjungan terhadap exiting customer maupun cutomer baru Memberikan pelayanan yang baik terhadap customer Mempertanggung jawabkan terhadap target yang telah diberikan Melakukan Penagihan Membuat report penjual...
Merencanakan dan membuat peta (blue print) Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Pemasaran Produk ke Seluruh Indonesia. Mencari dan menseleksi calon Mitra yang potensil untuk kerja sama pengembangan Jaringan Pemasaran, khususnya wilayah Sumatera, Kalimant...
Sales Assistant
Process Order and Delivery Product. Daily communication with Distributors. Checking Prices and Contract are up to date. Reporting monthly sales result to the sales team. Supporting Sales People with general operations to help reach the team's objecti...
Sales Assistant
Process Order and Delivery Product. Daily communication with Distributors. Checking Prices and Contract are up to date. Reporting monthly sales result to the sales team. Supporting Sales People with general operations to help reach the team's objecti...
Merchandising Helpdesk
Maintain Merchandising Information System. Deliver troubleshoot of basic problem to merchandiser when using Merchandising Information System. Forecast POSM needs for nationwide to each PIC. Manage POSM stock and coordinate with area for any POSM requ...
Marketing Analyst Officer
Compile and analyze Marketing Data and make the reports Collect and studies information from sales team Analyze the product performance
Sales Representative
Melakukan promosi buku ke sekolah, kampus, toko buku dan instansi terkait Melayani pesanan pembelian dari para pelanggan Meraih target yang sudah ditetapkan (target bulanan, semester, tahunan)
Experience Sales B2B
Responsible in selling product to customers to achive predetermined target. Establish and maintain good relationship with new existing customer. Daily attendance and sales report and weekly, monthly sales report. Generate new business opportunity wit...