Surakarta Penyaringan Telusur 25 - 32 dari 52 Lowongan
Customer Service Premium Team LeadShopee -
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
Associate Marketing Representative
Menangani Leasing/ Marcom/ Eventjob di Shopping Mall Pria/ Wanita, usia 25-35 tahun Pengalaman min. 2 tahun di Shopping Mall atau Property Consultant Menguasai Bahasa Inggris
Front End Developer
Design website and developing Front End feature in Ellen May Institute Learning and Implement new technologies for improve/support Ellen May Institute
Back End Developer
Developing Back End feature in Ellen May Institute Learning and Implement new technologies for improve/support Ellen May Institute
Digital Marketer
Marketing online, buat iklan, publikasi, dalam bentuk tertulis, video, maupun gambar untuk web, sosmed, FB Ads, Google Ads, Tiktok Ads
Marketing and Event Officer
Seminar dan produk secara online dan offlin Bekerja sama dengan berbagai pihak Merencanakan, melaksanakan, membuat laporan seminar
– Menjalin hubungan baik dengan komunitas2 pengusaha UKM – Menyusun strategi agar bisa memberikan keuntungan untuk komunitas tersebut dan Nuta – Mencari Perusahan yang relevan dengan produk Nuta dan mengajak untuk berpartnership dengan Nuta – Membawa...
Sales Horeca
Pria, usia maksimal 35 tahun Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK Sederajat Pengalaman diposisi yang sama minimal 1 tahun Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM C Penempatan Solo/Jogja (Sesuai domisili)
Melakukan penjualan untuk mencapai target Mengembangkan customer dan mitra keagenan baru Menjalin hubungan baik dengan customer Berkoordinasi dengan tim cabang dan kantor pusat
Customer Service PremiumShopee -
Handle CS end-to-end process, including complaints and inquiries from sellers and buyers Platinum Shopee through calls, email, and Live Chat Manage and resolve customer-related issues and escalations Be the voice of customers to provide feedback to t...
Customer Service Premium Team LeadShopee -
Socialize and inform Agents related to applied policies and standards in order to ensure the Agents understand and comply with performance standards and policies & able to achieve the specified company's goals Identify operational issues and prop...