- Kategori: Teknik
- Lokasi: Pekanbaru, Riau
- Jenis Pekerjaan: Full-time
- Gaji: Rp. Nego
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Manage & maintain Mechanical Equipment materials/spare parts availability and ensure meet spec quality.
Troubleshooting and repairing of Mechanical Equipment problems at field.
Diagnose symptom of Mechanical Equipment problems and come up with good solution.
Follow the applicable oil & gas industry best maintenance concepts and practices including International Standard (API, IEC, ISA, ANSI, etc) for the implementation to meet the best systematic approaches.
Diploma degree (D3) with GPA: 2.75 in mechanical/mechatronics .
Minimum 4 years with 3 years experience in maintenance and/or mechanical rotating equipment projects in oil & gas or petrochemical industry.
Experience with field mechanical rotating equipment (i.e. centrifugal pump, reciprocating pump, gas compressor, reciprocating engine, air compressor, fin fan cooler, and rotating equipment in general, etc.).
Excellent in the latest mechanical engineering technology.
Have safety leadership in managing safe work (MSW) processes and effectively communicate.
Experience in generating SOPs, work permits and other permit/guidance related to maintenance and/or project (i.e. JSA, JHA).
Skillful in planning and scheduling in execution of maintenance and/or project activities.
Fluent in microsoft office and have adequate computer literacy.
Willing to be relocate to all company's operation area.

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