Teknik Jakarta Utara Penyaringan Telusur 1 - 8 dari 22 Lowongan
Teknisi Pendigin (AC)
- Melakukan perawatan & perbaikan AC. - Mengatasi trouble shooting. - Melakukan instalasi AC sesuai permintaan (proyek) - Melakukan perawatan berkala (service) - Troubleshooting - Memelihara peralatan /tools kerja dan memastikan peralatan lengkap...
Technical Support Specialist
Provide training to related new products or new technologies applied in the product to technicians at DSC and ASC Provide training for Technicians and Call Center staff, newly received as employees Checking for a product related to trouble shooting, ...
Usia 20 s/d 35 Tahun Pendidikan Minimal SMK, STM, D3 Teknik Elektro atau Teknik Mesin. Mempunyai kendaraan pribadi minimal motor Memiliki SIM A dan C Memahami teknik electonika lemah dan kelistrikan Mengerti Photoshop & Corell draw Menguasai Soft...
Designs and develops products, components, processes, and systems using CAD, and consult with engineering and manufacturing teammates to ensure that designs are feasible Interfaces with engineers, providing CAD design from product inception to releas...
Civil Engineer
Merencanakan konstruksi bangunan baja dan beton Membuat perhitungan pondasi, struktur baja, struktur beton Membuat gambar-gambar perencanaan, gambar-gambar detail/shop drawing, dan as built drawings Membuat Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) proyek Membuat...
Teknisi Elektronik
Usia Max 35 Tahun Pendidikan SMK atau S1 Diutamakan memahami Mechanical, Welding, Electrical Wiring & Design serta Assembly BERSEDIA UNTUK DITEMPATKAN DI LUAR KOTA (INDONESIA)
Maintenance Section Head
Carry out maintenance of production machines/equipment according to the maintenance schedule Repair of machinery or production equipment for electrical or plumbing installations in accordance with specifications and Implement the TPM system Make impr...
Workshop Engineer
Improvement production process Assembling machine from outhouse &inhouse Design a ladder diagram (PLC) Wiring assembly (wiring) Make improvements in the workplace Monitoring manpower and man-hour planning