Lowongan Kerja

Jr. IT Programmer

Jr. IT Programmer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Lowongan Kerja Jr. IT Programmer PT. Valvindo Megah
Deep knowledge of Phyton
Passionate in program development and coding
Have an understanding of ERP concept, ever made one/two system-module is a plus
Showing proper analytic and logical thinking
Having sense of urgency in handling problems
Communicative, able to express ideas.
High potential in learning capacity and motivation, is mandatory

Lihat Persyaratan Melamar
Loker Jr. IT Programmer | Loker PT. Valvindo Megah | Gaji PT. Valvindo Megah | Loker Bekasi

Tingkatkan Karir Anda Bersama w3loker.com

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