Teknologi - IT Jawa Barat Penyaringan Telusur 9 - 16 dari 213 Lowongan
Candidate must possess at least Diploma's Degree or Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems / Electrical Engineering / Computer Engineering / Information Technology Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh gradu...
IT Supervisor
Membuat Jadwal maintenance hardware, software & infrastruktur jaringan Membuat Jadwal staff dan mengkoordinir pekerjaan staff dibawahnya Mengawasi pelaksanaan maintenance dan troubleshoot Memastikan seluruh Server befungsi dengan baik Membuat ter...
Junior Game Designer
Plan and design game systems, controls, interfaces, narrative, level, and mechanics that align with design pillars. Work collaboratively with fellow designers and development team members to concept and deliver the intended experience. Communicate de...
Membantu menyelesaikan projek-projek IT seperti penggantian komputer, memperbaiki jaringan Membantu projek team manufacturing yang berhubungan dengan IT Memberikan pelayanan harian dan service IT (komputer, telpon dll ) Membuat analisa teknik dan mem...
Android Developer
Design and implement Android applications that are connected to Xtremax’s web APIs Develop test plans and test cases for all devices, complete with functional documentations based on the project methodology Collaborate in a team-based environment wit...
Staf IT
- Memahami operating system windows dan linux - Support Operatonal : Maintenance Hardware dan Software
Create superb animations for characters and creatures for high-quality console games Work together with artists, programmers, and designers to enable them deliver believable characters and creatures
Menerima, memprioritaskan, dan menyelesaikan permintaan bantuan IT. Instalasi dan software maintenance. Membuat aplikasi baik itu berbasis web dan mobile (Android). Mengembangkan aplikasi yang sudah berjalan sesuai dengan permintaan user.
Staff Programmer
Menguasai Framework Laravel Menguasai API Memahami nuxt.js, vue.js Memahami Mysql. postgreeSQL Bisa Bahasa Inggris (Minimal Pasif)
IT Infrastruktur
Mengatasi persoalan yang berkaitan dengan masalah hardware & software Memperbaharui dan memperbaiki segala macam kebutuhan user (trouble shooting) Bertanggung jawab pada penyediaan layanan infrastruktur termasuk aplikasi, email, jaringan komputer...
1. Plan the project 2. Define the scope of the project in collaboration with senior management 3. Create a detailed work plan which identifies and sequences the activities needed to successfully complete the project 4. Determine the resources (time, ...
Candidate must possess at least Diploma's Degree or Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems / Electrical Engineering / Computer Engineering / Information Technology Have minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, maximum 30 years old Fresh gradu...