- PT IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Ulasan
Profil Perusahaan
- Alamat PT IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories : Jl. Raya Solo-Sragen Km 14,9 Kebakkramat, Karanganyar
- Lokasi: Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
The products come in the following forms:
- Solid (tablet, caplet and capsule),
- Liquid (syrup, suspension/emulsion and dry suspension) and
- Semi solid (cream, gel and ointment).
The company also operates a beta-lactam facility to produce Penicillin antibiotic and its derivatives.
Currently, the company produces several medicine for several therapeutic classes, with over 100 brands with their variants. This wide product range offers more selection for customers and users.
The products of the company are marketed nationwide through its distribution network.
To Become A Trusted And Recognized Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company In Indonesia
To Manufacture High Quality Medicine At Affordable Price. Quality is of paramount importance to the company. Quality is assured in each and every step of the manufacturing process so that all IFARS medicine and food supplements meet strict quality standards. The company adheres to national and international pharmacopoeia for its products which have to meet the important criteria of Safety, Efficacy and Quality.
The research and development facility of the company fully supports product formulation and development in order to fulfill the customers needs for high quality medicine at affordable price.
Gaji PT IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories
Jumlah gaji yang ditawarkan oleh PT IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories tertera pada setiap lowongan kerja. Bila gaji PT IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories yang tertera adalah Nego, berarti pelamar dapat melakukan negosiasi gaji PT IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories dengan HRD atau personalia di PT IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories.
Lowongan Kerja PT IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories
PT. IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi : ENGINEERING STAFF
PT. IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi : LEGAL STAFF
PT. IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi : PPIC STAFF
PT. IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi : CIVIL ENGINEERING STAFF
PT. IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi : HRD STAFF
- 1
Lowongan Terbaru
Assistant Manager Human Rescource (HR)
Melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi karyawan Membuat program pengembangan karyawan dan menjadi agent of change. Memahami urusan legalitas industrial dan hubungan industrial Menguasai izin tentang cuti, klaim asuransi kesehatan, lemburan, BPJS Kesehatan...
Human Resource Officer
Pendidikan min S1 Usia max 35tahun Pengalaman dibidang yang sama min. 1 tahun Terbiasa melakukan proses rekrutmen Paham terkait proses payroll Paham terkait Business Process Outsourcing
Asset Management Officer
Membantu akuisisi aset perusahaan termasuk identifikasi, legalitas, dan administrasi Mengatur proses pemindahan dan penamaan asset Melakukan verifikasi atau rekonsiliasi antara sistem database dan kondisi fisik aset Melakukan penghapusan dan penyeles...
Area Sales Supervisor / Kodinator Sales
Usia max 35th Minimal Pend S1 Segala Jurusan Wajib pengalaman Kordinator Sales Distributor Wajib Pengalaman Sales Lapangan FMCG Memiliki sim C Aktif dan kendaraan pribadi Memiliki smartphone
SPV Business Operational
Membina hubungan baik dengan dokter & klinik. Membuat program yang cocok untuk pasien rujukan atau melakukan Sell In / Out program yang disediakan.