• PT. CIMB Niaga Tbk
  • Ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

  • Alamat PT. CIMB Niaga Tbk : Graha CIMB Niaga Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 58
  • Lokasi: Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, hereinafter referred to as “CIMB Niaga” or “Bank” was established on 26 September 1955 based on Deed of Establishment No. 90 made before Raden Meester Soewandi, Notary in Jakarta on 26 September 1955 with the name PT Bank Niaga, and amended with deed made before the same Notary, Deed No. 9 on 4 November 1955. This Deed of Establishment was approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia (now the Ministry of Law and Human Rights) through Decision No. J.A.5/110/15 dated 1 December 1955 and announced in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 71 dated 4 September 1956, Official Gazette No. 729/1956.

As of 31 December 2021, CIMB Niaga was supported by 427 branch offices, 3.563 ATM units, 1 unit Cash Deposit Machine (CDM), 4 units Multi Denom Machine (MDM) and 913 units Cash Recycle Machine (CRM), as well as 11.194 employees spread across Indonesia. CIMB Niaga committing to integrity, perseverance to place top priority on customers and the spirit to continue to excel, CIMB Niaga will continue to utilize all its resources to create synergy between business units and the CIMB Group. These are the core values of CIMB Niaga and are obligations that must be fulfilled for a very promising future. The Bank believes it can continue to grow to be the leader and best in providing banking services to the community.

Gaji PT. CIMB Niaga Tbk

Jumlah gaji yang ditawarkan oleh PT. CIMB Niaga Tbk tertera pada setiap lowongan kerja. Bila gaji PT. CIMB Niaga Tbk yang tertera adalah Nego, berarti pelamar dapat melakukan negosiasi gaji PT. CIMB Niaga Tbk dengan HRD atau personalia di PT. CIMB Niaga Tbk.

Lowongan Kerja PT. CIMB Niaga Tbk

    Lowongan Kerja
  • 1
    Lowongan Kerja Preferred Relationship Manager
    Preferred Relationship Manager

    You need to make plans for sales activities based on set targets, determine priorities to be achieved in the short and long term so that the work plan You Need to Ensure the implementation of services to customers to ensure compliance with company st...


    Rp. Nego


  • 2
    Lowongan Kerja Software Engineer
    Software Engineer

    Develop IT solutions (Design, Application Flowchart, Coding, etc.) based on business needs, and ensure business units agree and are satisfied with the solutions provided Carry out other tasks assigned by the Direct Supervisor (Special Assignments) Bu...


    Rp. Nego


  • 3
    Lowongan Kerja CIMB Niaga Internship Teller Program
    CIMB Niaga Internship Teller Program

    Lulusan minimal D3 dengan IPK minimal 2.75. Usia maksimal 26 tahun. Ramah, Hangat dan jujur. Teliti, disiplin, memiliki motivasi tinggi dan jiwa melayani. Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara lisan ataupun tulisan. Memiliki integritas yang tinggi. Cerdas d...


    Rp. Nego


  • 4
    Lowongan Kerja Field Collector
    Field Collector

    Minimal pendidikan D3 Memiliki pengalaman di bagian Collection di bidang finance dan banking Diutamakan berdomisili di Bandung dan sekitarnya Mampu bekerja dengan target Memahami alur pekerjaan sebagai collector bank Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan Me...


    Rp. Nego


  • 5
    Lowongan Kerja Solution Architect
    Solution Architect

    Analyze IT Project and giving advise for the best IT Solution based on requirements, budget and timeline Produce high level and detail solution detail Define impacted system & proactively solves architectural ambiguities Drive analysis how busine...


    Rp. Nego


  • 6
    Lowongan Kerja Data Analytics
    Data Analytics

    Writes database scripts for query data, join tables to generate and extract marketing campaign leads bases Designs and manages the Campaign Database by collaborating with the Data Engineers and IT team Conducting business performance and campaign tra...


    Rp. Nego


  • 7
    Lowongan Kerja DevOps Engineer
    DevOps Engineer

    Perform applications’ deployment, updates, tuning/configuration. Triaging and fixing operational issue across platform and application domains. Improve the planning of test and deployment to have a more holistic view of the technical environments. Ma...


    Rp. Nego


  • 8
    Lowongan Kerja Field Collection
    Field Collection

    • Pendidikan min Diploma 3 dari semua latar belakang pendidikan. • Sales dan Target Oriented. • Pengalaman penagihan/Collection kartu kredit atau KTA min 1 tahun. • Memahami wilayah Kota Padang dan sekitarnya. • Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan dead...


    Rp. Nego


  • 9
    Lowongan Kerja Teller

    Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, any field. Required skill(s): Clerical Administration, Communication Skill, Integrity, Target Oriented. At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Preferably...


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Fund Accounting Officer
    Fund Accounting Officer

    Perform end-to-end Net Asset Value (NAV) report, which includes cash movement recording and reconciliation, time deposit, securities recording and reconciliation, corporate actions recording, subscription and redemption recording, accruals recording....


    Rp. Nego


Lowongan Terbaru

  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Assistant Manager Human Rescource (HR)
    Assistant Manager Human Rescource (HR)

    Melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi karyawan Membuat program pengembangan karyawan dan menjadi agent of change. Memahami urusan legalitas industrial dan hubungan industrial Menguasai izin tentang cuti, klaim asuransi kesehatan, lemburan, BPJS Kesehatan...


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Officer
    Human Resource Officer

    Pendidikan min S1 Usia max 35tahun Pengalaman dibidang yang sama min. 1 tahun Terbiasa melakukan proses rekrutmen Paham terkait proses payroll Paham terkait Business Process Outsourcing


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Asset Management Officer
    Asset Management Officer

    Membantu akuisisi aset perusahaan termasuk identifikasi, legalitas, dan administrasi Mengatur proses pemindahan dan penamaan asset Melakukan verifikasi atau rekonsiliasi antara sistem database dan kondisi fisik aset Melakukan penghapusan dan penyeles...


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Area Sales Supervisor / Kodinator Sales
    Area Sales Supervisor / Kodinator Sales

    Usia max 35th Minimal Pend S1 Segala Jurusan Wajib pengalaman Kordinator Sales Distributor Wajib Pengalaman Sales Lapangan FMCG Memiliki sim C Aktif dan kendaraan pribadi Memiliki smartphone


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja SPV Business Operational
    SPV Business Operational

    Membina hubungan baik dengan dokter & klinik. Membuat program yang cocok untuk pasien rujukan atau melakukan Sell In / Out program yang disediakan.


    Rp. Nego
