• PT. Qwords Company International
  • Ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

  • Alamat PT. Qwords Company International : Jl. Blotan No. 18, Kayen, Wedomartani, Ngemplak
  • Lokasi: Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
PT. Qwords Company International is a company in the field of IT services with several subsidiaries with offices in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya.

Gaji PT. Qwords Company International

Jumlah gaji yang ditawarkan oleh PT. Qwords Company International tertera pada setiap lowongan kerja. Bila gaji PT. Qwords Company International yang tertera adalah Nego, berarti pelamar dapat melakukan negosiasi gaji PT. Qwords Company International dengan HRD atau personalia di PT. Qwords Company International.

Lowongan Kerja PT. Qwords Company International

    Lowongan Kerja
  • 1
    Lowongan Kerja Customer Service
    Customer Service

    Melayani pelanggan maupun calon pelanggan meliputi memberikan informasi, menangani keluhan, serta menjadi penghubung antara pelanggan maupun calon pelanggan dengan perusahaan.


    Rp. Nego


  • 2
    Lowongan Kerja Graphic Designer
    Graphic Designer

    Produce modern yet effective and communicative visual assets Work with the strategic planner and copywriter to develop creative ideas and identities for new campaigns on various media Develop online and offline visual communication content such as so...


    Rp. Nego


  • 3
    Lowongan Kerja Social Media Specialist
    Social Media Specialist

    Be the person in charge to create social media campaigns and content; from observing trends and references, brainstorming, planning to execution (including schedule and post) Creating consistent, meaningful content on all social media platforms, incl...


    Rp. Nego


  • 4
    Lowongan Kerja UI/UX Designer
    UI/UX Designer

    Develop an understanding of the end-users of the web or mobile application through research (user interviews, traffic data, etc) Capable of generating user personasand user scenarios Producing high-quality UX design solutions through wireframes, visu...


    Rp. Nego


  • 5
    Lowongan Kerja Marketing & Relations Officer
    Marketing & Relations Officer

    Effectively create and execute long-term marketing plans and short-term tactical activities, including marketing campaignsand offline events Determine the channel/platform for communication materials Strengthen our relationship with clients and exter...


    Rp. Nego


  • 6
    Lowongan Kerja Technical Support
    Technical Support

    Install, configure, & perform maintenance of servers and network devices Responsibletomonitor&troubleshootsystem servers in a timely manner Perform regular backup operations and implement appropriate processes for data protection, disaster re...


    Rp. Nego


  • 7
    Lowongan Kerja Driver Pribadi
    Driver Pribadi

    Laki-laki, usia 30-40 tahun Memiliki SIM A & C Jujur, ramah, sopan Bisa mengendarai mobil matic & manual Terbiasa melakukan perjalanan ke luar kota Terbiasa memakai mobil mewah Tidak mudah mengeluh Bersedia serabutan bila sedang senggang


    Rp. Nego


  • 8
    Lowongan Kerja Customer Service
    Customer Service

    D3/S1 semua jurusan, lulusan IT diutamakan Memiliki ketertarikan di bidang IT atau digital, pemahaman mengenai internet menjadi nilai tambah Menyukai bidang pelayanan customer Memiliki keinginan untuk selalu belajar Komunikatif, ceria dan selalu sema...


    Rp. Nego


  • 9
    Lowongan Kerja Social Media Admin
    Social Media Admin

    Participate in the brand’s development of marketing & branding purposes, along with general day-to-day social media planning & administration tasks Oversee social media account activity Research new social media trends such as content, hashta...


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Marketing & Communication Staff
    Marketing & Communication Staff

    Effectively create and execute long-term marketing plans and short-term tactical activities, including marketing campaigns, to increase brand image, brand awareness, audience, engagement and revenue Determine the channel/platform for communication ma...


    Rp. Nego


Lowongan Terbaru

  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Assistant Manager Human Rescource (HR)
    Assistant Manager Human Rescource (HR)

    Melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi karyawan Membuat program pengembangan karyawan dan menjadi agent of change. Memahami urusan legalitas industrial dan hubungan industrial Menguasai izin tentang cuti, klaim asuransi kesehatan, lemburan, BPJS Kesehatan...


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Officer
    Human Resource Officer

    Pendidikan min S1 Usia max 35tahun Pengalaman dibidang yang sama min. 1 tahun Terbiasa melakukan proses rekrutmen Paham terkait proses payroll Paham terkait Business Process Outsourcing


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Asset Management Officer
    Asset Management Officer

    Membantu akuisisi aset perusahaan termasuk identifikasi, legalitas, dan administrasi Mengatur proses pemindahan dan penamaan asset Melakukan verifikasi atau rekonsiliasi antara sistem database dan kondisi fisik aset Melakukan penghapusan dan penyeles...


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Area Sales Supervisor / Kodinator Sales
    Area Sales Supervisor / Kodinator Sales

    Usia max 35th Minimal Pend S1 Segala Jurusan Wajib pengalaman Kordinator Sales Distributor Wajib Pengalaman Sales Lapangan FMCG Memiliki sim C Aktif dan kendaraan pribadi Memiliki smartphone


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja SPV Business Operational
    SPV Business Operational

    Membina hubungan baik dengan dokter & klinik. Membuat program yang cocok untuk pasien rujukan atau melakukan Sell In / Out program yang disediakan.


    Rp. Nego
