Profil Perusahaan
Kairos Multi Jaya is an independent contractor and distributing firm specializing in sound system design, and the design of room acoustic for improved sound system performance and speech intelligibility.We are also trusted by distinguished brands of professional audio to represent and distribute their products in Indonesia.
We have many years of practical hands-on experience that brought us to well known sound system contracting firm in the country.
We offer wide range of sound system design, specification and testing, acoustical design, test and measurement; and computer room modeling.
Founded in 2000, PT Kairos Multi Jaya, has lead Indonesia in the area of professional audio system.
The merger with one of the biggest and sophisticate rental company in Indonesia, PT Sumber Ria Sound, has established a firm structure for PT Kairos Multi Jaya to be a sound contractor. The account of Sumber Ria Sound varies from churches with 40,000 congregation for their crusade, private televisions for their live broadcast concert, hotels for their multi purposes ballrooms , state province government for their local program such as National Sport Competition and other state programs, to foreign artist who come to Indonesia.