• PT Home Credit Indonesia
  • Ulasan

Profil Perusahaan

  • Alamat PT Home Credit Indonesia : Plaza Oleos Lantai 8 Jl. TB Simatupang No. 53A
  • Lokasi: Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
PT Home Credit Indonesia established its business activities in Indonesia in 2013. Our journey in Indonesia began in the Jabodetabek area closely followed by expansion to Bandung, Makassar, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Malang, Denpasar, Pekanbaru, Medan, Batam, Palembang, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Manado, and Balikpapan. We plan to expand further and expect to be in all major regions and cities in Indonesia by 2018.

We provide in-store financing (direct non-cash financing in retail outlets) to qualified customers looking to purchase consumer durable goods such as home appliances, electronic goods, mobile phones and furniture. In addition to in-store financing, we also provide multi-purpose financing which we offer to our existing customers to finance their home renovations, tuition fees or even holiday travel. As we broaden our distribution network, our range of products offered will also expand.

Gaji PT Home Credit Indonesia

Jumlah gaji yang ditawarkan oleh PT Home Credit Indonesia tertera pada setiap lowongan kerja. Bila gaji PT Home Credit Indonesia yang tertera adalah Nego, berarti pelamar dapat melakukan negosiasi gaji PT Home Credit Indonesia dengan HRD atau personalia di PT Home Credit Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja PT Home Credit Indonesia

    Lowongan Kerja
  • 1
    Lowongan Kerja Treasury & AR Staff
    Treasury & AR Staff

    Perform daily bank report & journals Prepare Balance Sheet Reconciliation for bank accounts Prepare and maintain Time Deposit Summary Report Monitoring adequacy amount on payment of bank account Prepare data OJK's Cashflow reporting and ensure al...


    Rp. Nego


  • 2
    Lowongan Kerja UX Designer
    UX Designer

    Translate business requirement to user journey (Co)facilitate design thinking workshops, enabling cross function collaborations Deliver UX design solutions based on business requirements to developers Improve design system to be more effective & ...


    Rp. Nego


  • 3
    Lowongan Kerja IT Backend Developer
    IT Backend Developer

    Be involved and participate in the overall application lifecycle. Write and perform unit testing. Perform code review prior to every pull request and/or merge request Collaborate with Front-end developers and System Analysts to develop a technical so...


    Rp. Nego


  • 4
    Lowongan Kerja CRM Campaign Communication Specialist
    CRM Campaign Communication Specialist

    Communication strategy creation for CRM campaigns by using all available communication channels and customer insight Collaborate with Marketing to design and develop communication materials for all non-verbal channels related to CRM campaigns Develop...


    Rp. Nego


  • 5
    Lowongan Kerja Field Collection
    Field Collection

    Melakukan kunjungan ke Nasabah perihal Angsuran/Cicilan Minimal SMA Memiliki Sepeda Motor, SIM C dan STNK Aktif Familiar dengan area sekitar Domisili/Penempatan


    Rp. Nego


  • 6
    Lowongan Kerja Sales Counter (SPG/SPB)
    Sales Counter (SPG/SPB)

    1. Menawarkan produk pembayaran Home Credit Indonesia di Toko 2. Mempromosikan produk pembiayaan HCI melalui Sosial Media 3. Melayani dan memandu pelanggan dalam proses pembayaran menggunakan Home Credit


    Rp. Nego


  • 7
    Lowongan Kerja IT ProDIGI
    IT ProDIGI

    At Home Credit Indonesia, we aim to work collaboratively with a goal to achieve one important mission: changing the way the world shops. As a part of Home Credit Indonesia, we will give you a chance to create innovations for a better shopping experie...


    Rp. Nego


  • 8
    Lowongan Kerja Data Science Academy Program
    Data Science Academy Program

    Data Science Academy is program for you guys who are truly passionate about data and at the same time love to learn about business. You think this program is only for those who already master data science things such as Machine Learning, Phyton, &...


    Rp. Nego


  • 9
    Lowongan Kerja Sales Associate
    Sales Associate

    Menawarkan produk pembayaran Home Credit Indonesia di Toko Mempromosikan produk pembiayaan HCI melalui Sosial Media Melayani dan memandu pelanggan dalam proses pembayaran menggunakan Home Credit Keuntungan: Penghasilan bulanan Bonus tak terbatas Jenj...


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja ANDROID DEVELOPER

    Translate designs and wireframes into high quality code Develop new project from scratch or continue an existing one. Design, build, and maintain high performance, reusable, and reliable Java code Ensure the best possible performance, quality, and re...


    Rp. Nego


Lowongan Terbaru

  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Assistant Manager Human Rescource (HR)
    Assistant Manager Human Rescource (HR)

    Melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi karyawan Membuat program pengembangan karyawan dan menjadi agent of change. Memahami urusan legalitas industrial dan hubungan industrial Menguasai izin tentang cuti, klaim asuransi kesehatan, lemburan, BPJS Kesehatan...


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Officer
    Human Resource Officer

    Pendidikan min S1 Usia max 35tahun Pengalaman dibidang yang sama min. 1 tahun Terbiasa melakukan proses rekrutmen Paham terkait proses payroll Paham terkait Business Process Outsourcing


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Asset Management Officer
    Asset Management Officer

    Membantu akuisisi aset perusahaan termasuk identifikasi, legalitas, dan administrasi Mengatur proses pemindahan dan penamaan asset Melakukan verifikasi atau rekonsiliasi antara sistem database dan kondisi fisik aset Melakukan penghapusan dan penyeles...


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja Area Sales Supervisor / Kodinator Sales
    Area Sales Supervisor / Kodinator Sales

    Usia max 35th Minimal Pend S1 Segala Jurusan Wajib pengalaman Kordinator Sales Distributor Wajib Pengalaman Sales Lapangan FMCG Memiliki sim C Aktif dan kendaraan pribadi Memiliki smartphone


    Rp. Nego


  • 10
    Lowongan Kerja SPV Business Operational
    SPV Business Operational

    Membina hubungan baik dengan dokter & klinik. Membuat program yang cocok untuk pasien rujukan atau melakukan Sell In / Out program yang disediakan.


    Rp. Nego
