Yogyakarta Penyaringan Telusur 145 - 152 dari 486 Lowongan
Social Media Specialist
Be the person in charge to create social media campaigns and content; from observing trends and references, brainstorming, planning to execution (including schedule and post) Creating consistent, meaningful content on all social media platforms, incl...
Sales Promotion/SPG
Melakukan kunjungan ke supermarket sesuai dengan jadwal yang ada Mengeluarkan Yakult dari stock untuk dipajang di tempat display Melakukan FIFO, kontrol kualitas produk dan suhu Menjaga kebersihan dan kerapihan display Melakukan propaganda produk ke ...
Customer Service KLAR
Bertanggung jawab untuk merespon setiap pertanyaan dari Customer dan partner yang menghubungi melalu Customer Service (whatsApp, email, media sosial, dll)
Warehouse Supervisor
Memastikan hasil input dan cetak EPL (Electronic Packing List) sesuai dengan DO yang terpenuhi Memastikan penulisan alamat tujuan dan nama penerima sudah tertulis / tercetak dengan jelas dan benar Memastikan kondisi mobil dalam keadaan bersih dan lay...
Front End Developer
Participate in the entire application life cycle, focusing on coding and debugging Write clean code to develop responsive web design Troubleshoot and debug applications Perform test to optimize UI/UX Collaborate with Back-end Developers to integrate ...
SEO Specialist
Develop an optimization strategy to improves a company’s search engine rankings SEO keyword research for company’s website & marketing materials Set measurable goals that demonstrate marketing improvements Monitoring daily performance metrics to ...
Graphic Desainer
Produce modern yet effective and communicative visual assets Work with strategic planner and copy writer to develop creative ideas and identity for new campaigns on various media Develop online and offline visual communication contents such as social...
Technical Support Specialist
Answer incoming support ticket and online chat requests from our customers as well as comfortable in face to face interaction; Resolve technical issues and provide support to resolution; Maintain current hosting environment in both a Linux and cPanel...
Graphic Design
Handling All Design needs for Brand (Social Media, Packaging, Flyers, ext) Handling Social Media for MOOXO SKIN
Marketplace Admin
Mengelola kegiatan penjualan dan pemasaran di marketplace seperti update harga, stock, produk dan informasi lainnya yang tersedia di marketplace atau e-commerce lainnya Mengimplementasi dan mengoptimalkan semua fitur promosi yang tersedia di marketpl...
Social Media Specialist
Be the person in charge to create social media campaigns and content; from observing trends and references, brainstorming, planning to execution (including schedule and post) Creating consistent, meaningful content on all social media platforms, incl...
Memastikan kendaraan dalam kondisi bersih, baik, dan terawat Mampu mengoperasikan kendaraan dengan baik Mengantarkan barang sesuai DO ke Dealer atau Big Dealer Melaporkan Daily report kendaraaan ke KA Kendaraan Memeriksa kelengkapan kendaraan seperti...