Yogyakarta Penyaringan Telusur 353 - 360 dari 486 Lowongan
Social Media Specialist
Be the person in charge to create social media campaigns and content; from observing trends and references, brainstorming, planning to execution (including schedule and post) Creating consistent, meaningful content on all social media platforms, incl...
Staff Accounting
Membuat laporan keuangan tiap bulan sesuai deadline Input jurnal di Accurate & proses tagihan non vendor Melakukan closing pembukuan tiap bulan tepat waktu Melakukan stock opname Melakukan administrasi & filling data / voucher Memonitor Accou...
Video Creator
Creative Content Creator responsible to create and develop multimedia (audio/video) content for customer stories, internal company announcement videos, external promotional social videos, product marketing videos, recruiting videos, webinars and othe...
Motion Graphic Artist
Create a motion graphic based video to help promote brand awareness and product knowledge Handling end-to-end video creation: conceptualization, storyboard, animation, and edit, including keyframe and typography Boost Niagahoster’s brand awareness th...
Technical Writer
Writing original copy for Niagahoster and Hostinger website that attract millions of users Researching web hosting industry-related topics and fill the gaps in our content Helping Customers understand our product better through the copy you create Ur...
Account Manager
Account Manager (Niagaweb) is responsible to create long-term, trusting relationships with customers and to oversee a portfolio of assigned customers, develop new business from existing clients and actively seek new sales opportunities
Marketing Online
Menerima telefon masuk Membalas chat WA Menerima tamu yang datang ke kantor
Melayani Customer dengan baik sesuai SOP Perusahaan Administrasi Menyiapkan Stok yang tersedia
Staff Accounting
Membuat laporan keuangan tiap bulan sesuai deadline Input jurnal di Accurate & proses tagihan non vendor Melakukan closing pembukuan tiap bulan tepat waktu Melakukan stock opname Melakukan administrasi & filling data / voucher Memonitor Accou...
Sales Promotion/SPG
Melakukan kunjungan ke supermarket sesuai dengan jadwal yang ada Mengeluarkan Yakult dari stock untuk dipajang di tempat display Melakukan FIFO, kontrol kualitas produk dan suhu Menjaga kebersihan dan kerapihan display Melakukan propaganda produk ke ...