Yogyakarta Penyaringan Telusur 33 - 40 dari 486 Lowongan
Staff Accounting
Membuat laporan keuangan tiap bulan sesuai deadline Input jurnal di Accurate & proses tagihan non vendor Melakukan closing pembukuan tiap bulan tepat waktu Melakukan stock opname Melakukan administrasi & filling data / voucher Memonitor Accou...
Tugas-tugas Pokok : Mendistribusikan produk Mengontrol Kualitas Produk Benefit : Gaji pokok, uang makan, uang transport Komisi, Tunjangan Hari Raya, bonus, pelatihan dan jenjang karir
PIC (Operasional)
Pria / Wanita Usia Max. 25 thn Minimal D3 semua jurusan Fresh graduate are welcome to apply Berpenampilan menarik serta memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik Wajib mampu mengendarai mobil & mempunyai SIM A (Pria) Berbadan Sehat
Admin Marketing
Wanita Single/Belum menikah max. 25 thn Minimal D3 semua jurusan Familiar dengan komputer & Ms. Office Mampu berbahasa Inggris Lisan dan Tulisan Supel/komunikatif, jujur & berdedikasi tinggi, Rajin & mau bekerja keras Mau menghargai prose...
Customer Service
Interactive learning in our Customer Success Academy with extra guidance and mentors; Answering incoming conversations via live chat; Helping the Customer to improve their website by assessing their needs; Adjusting the product of Hostinger and activ...
Operational Staff
1. Be responsible for the management of the collection team of the Yogyakarta, include supervising the performance of the team and the compliance collection of the team 2. Assist the communication with the Chinese IT team and help the local team deal...
Maximum age 25 years old. Candidate must possess at least a diploma degree, any field with minimum GPA 2.7 Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia. At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the same position in banking. Fresh graduate are w...
Data Entry
Make a report on the results of teamwork Monitor / record daily activities Prepare a letter of offer for the client Follow up client Research data Follow up to relevant departments / divisions / customers
Customer Success Agent Team
Customer Success Agent is responsible for developing customer relationships that promote retention and loyalty. Their job is to work closely with customers to ensure they are satisfied with the services they receive and to improve upon areas of dissa...
Content Creator Tiktok
Perempuan muslimah max 28 tahun Pendidikan D3 segala jurusan (Jurusan DKV/Multimedia lebih disukai) Aktif dan update mengenai trend-trend terkini Profesional dan mampu bekerja dengan deadline Menguasai program desain grafis dan editing video Memahami...
Memastikan kendaraan dalam kondisi bersih, baik, dan terawat Mampu mengoperasikan kendaraan dengan baik Mengantarkan barang sesuai DO ke Dealer atau Big Dealer Melaporkan Daily report kendaraaan ke KA Kendaraan Memeriksa kelengkapan kendaraan seperti...
Customer Service
Melayani pelanggan maupun calon pelanggan meliputi memberikan informasi, menangani keluhan, serta menjadi penghubung antara pelanggan maupun calon pelanggan dengan perusahaan.